China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau Travel Simcard | 5/10/15/20GB | 7-30 Days
- Easy Plug-to-Go Data-only Simcard
- Excellent coverage across China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau
- Excludes Xinjiang and Taiwan
- By using this sim, you can access Google and social media in China
- Normal sims sold in China cannot access Google or social media
- Excludes Tiktok and Chatgpt
- Prepaid plan is already included, do not need to sign-up for plans
- Data checking website will be provided after purchase
- Bonus: A Free Sim Tray Pin
- For China Mainland simcard, please see China Simcard
- For eSim, please see China, Hong Kong and Macau eSim or China eSim
Q: Do I need VPN to access Google, Facebook or Western websites in China?
A: No, VPN is not required. This sim allows you to have direct access to Google, Facebook, Whatsapp or Western websites in China. Just like you are in Australia!
Q: Can I use the sim in multiple regions within the 7-30 Days period?
A: Yes, you can use the sim in multiple regions within the 7-30 Days period, for example if you got the 30 Days simcard, you can use it for 15 days in China, then 10 days in Hong Kong and 5 days in Macau.
Q: When should we activate the SIM?
A: Please insert the sim when you arrive in any of the destinations and it will automatically start the activation process. Please turn on data roaming when you arrive in destination.
Q: When does the 7-30 days commence?
A: It commences when the SIM is activated at destination.
Q: How to check how much data have I used?
A: We will email you a secure data checking website after the simcard is posted to you.
Q: Can the SIM be used as personal hotspot / tethering in mobile?
A: Yes, it can be used as personal hotspot to share data with other mobiles and tablets.